Our Services
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corin 6:19-20
At Grace and Grind, I believe the Word of God to be true. And I believe when the Grace of God meets the Grind of fitness…amazing things are accomplished!
Custom Training Plans
Plans designed with you and your goals in mind. They will be centered around your current ability and built to move you in the direction you are dreaming of!
All training plans will include a weekly Bible scripture, as well as weekly email check ins with me.
Plans designed with you and your goals in mind. They will be centered around your current ability and built to move you in the direction you are dreaming of!
All training plans will include a weekly Bible scripture, as well as weekly in person or Zoom check ins with me
Personal Training
$50/hr, 5/$225, 10/$400, 15/$525
Exactly as it says, this is personal training. I will be with you the entire hour, focused on correct movements and maximum results!
Every session will include a prayer before we begin to get that extra Holy Spirit help!